Conversations passed through lineages, extended through time by vanished tapes, muted figures, glowing fauna. Considering grandmothers, lovers and the hauntology of matriarchal spectres; the absences and presences of women through temporal realms and distanced geographies. Reckoning with the digital and solitary heart, addressing the fullness of memoires unrecorded, unspoken. These films place women as the exhibitors of their own histories, paying witness to intergenerational binds.
Locating identity within Iranian diaries, confronting the Arabian media archive, and using the writing of Marguerite Duras to interrogate hysterical, silenced ghosts, these short documentaries all deploy radical intervention. They blur the fictional and recompose the chronological. ‘My body has always been your first cinema’ becomes a sentence unwound; the regained self finally taking centre-stage.
Lucy Peters