Lose voice toolkit

How To Make a Friend

Start Time:
26th Jan 13:20
Garden Cinema
70 min
New Shorts Family Films

“You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing.” – E.B White, Charlotte’s Web

Friends can come in many forms; both real and imaginary. Some are there to help us in a moment of need, some live alongside us, some are very small, and some are there to simply bring us a can of soda.

Whimsical hand-drawn animation, stop-motion, live-action and magical adventures await in our now-annual selection of short films for younger film fans. A loyal pet, an inquisitive creature in the forest, and a very large frog are all here to make your acquaintance in a programme that explores the different ways that we find and make friends; in the park, sharing a packed lunch, or as part of an experimental study into new and inventive ways to communicate with one another.

Suitable for children aged 7+ and their parents/guardians.

Charlotte Ashcroft