Farang / فرنگ is an artists' moving image work that traces a semi-fictional journey across Iran. Using original family footage shot on trips to the country in the early 1990s, artist Mina Heydari-Waite combines a personal archive with source materials concerning 19th and early 20th century British presence in the region, reflecting on the interplay between familial histories and their wider socio-political frameworks.
Central to Farang / فرنگ are notions of historical synchronicity, serendipity and coincidence. Finding that her family’s route mapped onto that which was followed by the British Indo-European Telegraph Line – an administrative apparatus of the Empire which stretched across Iran for over fifty years – Mina considers the cognate overlaps between Hi8 film and the telegraph as communicative artefacts, their messages subject to codification, degradation and retransmission.